
have not discussed putting a tv in a sauna, yet if you were into this, you could put a tv up against a window in your hot room and get there that away.

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Thank for this forum.

Have you ever discussed putting a TV in a sauna?

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Thanks for establishing this forum.

I and about 10% of the population over 65 have a heart condition known as "Atrial Fibrillation." Most of us lead normal lives but take medication or precautions to minimize the risks of "AFib."

The medical advice that I received was to stop taking saunas because there may be some unknown or unpredictable effect on the heart due to the heat or more likely the rapid cooling off from a plunge or roll in the snow or even a cold shower.

Given the popularity of saunas in Finland, I hoped that some sound medical research and analysis has been done on this topic of Atrial Fibrillation/saunas. So far my efforts at finding such material have been unsuccessful.

Any information would be great.

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